Speyeria Fritillaries

Fritillaries of the genus Speyeria have long fascinated butterfly enthusiasts, both for their visual beauty and complexity of design. Relatively recent arrivals from Asia, they have diversified across North America into a now-recognized 15 species and over 100 subspecies.

Accurate identification of both species and subspecies within this genus can be a challenge for observers, collectors, and researchers.  To facilitate the identification process, diagnostic characteristics of Speyeria species and subspecies are presented here, along with accompanying photos and range maps.  

Important field marks and other morphological characters (mostly wing patterns) have been compiled from field guides, original species descriptions, national and state publications, and scientific journals.  A summary of the diagnostic characters for each Speyeria species and subspecies is presented in a hopefully easy-to-use one page format, with relevant photos and range maps.

Why do we need this online reference when there are already many excellent butterfly field guides (Glassberg 2017, Brock and Kaufmann, 2003, Opler, 1999) and online resources like the Butterflies of America website?  The purpose of this website is to extend and complement the above references in the following ways:

1.  Recommend strategies for identifying Speyeria both in hand and from photos

2.  Provide identification tips for all Speyeria subspecies as well as species

3.  Map the known geographic range of Speyeria species and subspecies

4.  Discuss several well-known Speyeria ID challenges: e.g., hesperis/atlantis,

     egleis/mormonia, zerene/hydaspe

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